3 Email Marketing Mistakes That Could Hamper Your Campaign Results
Email marketing can be the pillar of your B2B Sales and Marketing strategy; but it can only create desired results when the campaigns are well-crafted and thoughtfully created! Email Marketing campaigns can create an outstanding reach; but certain factors such as, are you reaching out to the right audience, is your subject line aligned with your offers, are you using call to actions etc. can determine whether your email marketing campaign is going to succeed or not.
While marketers and sales teams get busy chasing targets and creating campaigns with some unrealistic deadlines and goals at times; there could be a few factors that might go unnoticed. These mistakes can literally hamper the campaign and may not get you the results that you expected to get.
Barring some common mistakes; there are some other mistakes too that can cause equal damage and can turn an otherwise promising campaign into an unsuccessful one.
Marketers today especially in the tough competitive scenario do not want to waste their time and efforts on an unyielding campaign only to resent later. Therefore it’s important to fix some potentially harmful mistakes in time.
Here are 3 such mistakes that could hamper even the most ambitious email marketing campaigns:
Absence of retargeting:
As a B2B marketer, the importance of targeting the right audience is paramount to successful email marketing; however along with this; retargeting the audiences is also very important. Have you ever thought how retargeting can create brand recall and you can reach out twice as much with better offers maybe each time you do it? It certainly is a good way of reminding your target audience that you are willing to give them the best by reaching out again.
Type of messaging that is not too pushy but empathetic and yet reaching out to them again can also act as a reminder and encourage them into taking swift action as far as buying decision is concerned. Retargeting is a strategic process in itself. Following the digital footprints of your prospects and observing which emails they open and which ones they don’t and why can help you decide whom should you to retarget and how and who can potentially turn into a customer.
Lack of right timing:
Email marketing is all about timing, and literally so! E-mailers that are sent to the right audience but at the wrong time can produce negative output resulting into lesser success; leaving the sales and marketing teams to wonder where things really went wrong. If you stick to a schedule that works best for your audiences, they will most likely open the emails and even respond positively. What more; they will even expect the next email at around the same time. This can not only help create a positive brand impression, but also inculcate trust and a healthy, long-lasting relationship between you and your customers.
Unmeasured Analytics:
Measuring email marketing performance gives the right scope and opportunity to fix things in the next campaign. Measuring metrics and analyzing the existing campaigns and the results can provide a deep know-how of where things went wrong or how they could be done differently the next time. A clear analysis and idea of who the subscribers are, how many of them did actually open the mails, what is the bounce rate, how many have engaged further etc. can give you an incredibly clear picture of not just the performance, but also tell you a lot about whether you are in the right direction and are your campaigns and strategy aligned with your customers’ needs.
Other than the above factors you can avoid using misleading subject lines and bring in as much personalization as possible. You have to be doubly careful while crafting the right e-mailer, because it can possibly decide the destiny of your sales revenue and ROI.