How Email Marketing Can Augment Inbound Marketing
Research says that email marketing is not only an instrumental activity for b2b sales and marketing, in fact it is also considered to be a highly crucial activity for inbound marketing. Inbound marketing is all about using the right content initiatives and assets in an attempt to reach out to the prospects and bring to their attention their own challenges and provide them with the solutions accordingly. Email marketing is also important for enhancing customer experience.
Studies say that email marketing if done well and done strategically in alignment with specific business goals can create incredible inbound marketing results.
Here are the perks of email marketing at a glance-
- Personalized engagement
- Better reach with higher probability of conversion
- Opportunity to establish stronger relationship with clients
- Cost-effective channel to maximize reach and get desired results
There’s a lot that can be achieved by email marketing and it no doubt is and can be an influencing tactic for effective inbound marketing.
Why having an effective email marketing strategy is a must-
A strong strategy aligned with your inbound marketing goals is the best way to go about it. The strategy needs to be comprehensive, yet focused to make sure that you set the objectives right and achieve them too.
Attracting customers is trickier than tracking them down to convert them. It’s not just trickier but it also requires more efforts and brand awareness to create results. In bound marketing requires a lot of efforts while making sure the brand gets noticed, that the right customers get to know about your products and services and that they are navigated or directed through the customer journey to make sure they buy from you.
All these activities do not happen overnight or even through any sale-sy talk. It happens through strong relationships that are built over a period of time. The crux of inbound marketing is all about attracting, delighting and then converting the customers. This is where email marketing comes into picture and becomes incredibly crucial to be that tool to create results.
So how do you plan effective email marketing campaign?
Begin with a plan that encompasses all the crucial elements that make any email marketing campaign successful. Consider the following pointers to start with-
The most important thing about email marketing is its messaging. Majority of the success of email marketing depends upon the messaging.
- Precise and to-the-point messaging that is aligned with the needs of the client is paramount
- Email marketing is a consistent activity and therefore having a campaign means having sequences of e-mailers that are lined up for release at different time intervals. This creates a strong brand recall, gives out the message to the customer consistently over a period of time
- Attractive subject line is important to catch the attention of the customers
You can attract delight and engage leads with an effective email marketing strategy. Segmenting your audience for getting good results from an email marketing campaign is important. With segmenting you know whom to reach out, who the decision-makers are and what kind of messaging is required to do engage them.
Inbound marketing is an important part of b2b sales and marketing and email marketing is an integral part of both. What you do to attract your target audience, also how and when, determines the success of lead generation. One of the most popular channels marketers adopt is email marketing as it creates the desired results in less time and consistently too.