How Precision Targeting and Data can make B2B Sales Success a Reality
While you might be busy thinking about different ways of reshaping your b2b sales opportunities; data powered initiatives and precision targeting should probably empower you and your team in terms of success. And how exactly does this help; let us find out the same through this blog.
Targeting the Ideal customer:
Targeting the correct buyer is highly crucial for any B2B organization. None of the efforts and strategies will work if you are targeting the wrong group of audience. This is where precise targeting comes into picture. The more accurate you are about your buyer based on accurate buyer personas; greater are your chances of winning the leads and eventually converting them too!
If you think there is nothing such as an ideal customer, well you might be wrong. Because there is such a thing as an ideal customer and it is very crucial for your b2b lead gen success.
Unless you have identified that unique or ideal customer from a particular segment and many more; it’s impossible to communicate or convince them to make a buying decision.
Knowing a persona can help identify the right customer and their details such as demographics, firmographics etc. helps you define your next step. Sales and marketing is a team job and more functions across the organizations should leverage the personas for higher chances of success. Various functions across the organizations that are critical and have some role to play directly or indirectly in sales and/or marketing can use these personas to seek crucial information.
At this stage when the information is sought, one can then use the power of intent data to make this plan more workable and then successfully target the ideal customer at the right time!
This process can make your targeting more of a precision targeting process which can help you redefine your marketing and sales strategy to a great extent.
So how do you identify the perfect persona?
That’s a million dollar question and the answer is crucial when it to comes to the b2b go-to-market-strategy success. There of course exist methodologies to identify the perfect persona. Data plays a vital role in identifying the key persona for your business; but what’s also important is the success metrics.
Past campaigns and its success can help you decide what worked for you before and who the key buyers that showed interest were! Identifying these metrics can help you define your future key person strategy. This is very important information as it can help determine who your customers are and what their precise needs are.
Once you identify the important elements such as the job title, job function, department, region etc. it becomes easier to target more specifically. Identifying key decision makers is highly crucial for success of sales in the b2b domain. These key buying decision makers are most likely going to buy from you and come under the buying group- the key personas that do the actual buying!
There are more factors that contribute to sales success in the b2b domain; which we will soon discuss in the next blog, but the above key factors can give you a good start. Once you get the key personas right and leverage the data also adding the power of intent data to the dynamics that can generate the chances of succeeding are definitely going to be higher than usual.