What Should B2B Marketers Expect From Intent Data Vendors
Intent data is an empowering b2b sales and marketing tool today. Many talk about adopting it sooner or later and making it a part of their strategies but are still a step away from actually implementing it. Many companies are willing to outsource intent data but don’t know how or where they can find the right data partners.
There are plenty of benefits of intent data and outsourcing it. So while b2b companies want to outsource intent data to vendors, its best they know what to expect so that their goals and objectives are well aligned with the data. For someone who wants to outsource or find a partner who can offer intent data solutions, this blog talks about what you must know so that you take an informed decision.
Good intent data is proving to be the key to successful and modern B2B marketing. It has the capability to enhance conversions, its outcomes and it can also enhance demand generation results. Hiring or outsourcing intent data would be a wise decision for b2b marketers who are just starting out in intent data and would like to take it one step at time.
So what are the key elements they should look out for in their intent data vendor offerings?
What add-on value is it going to bring?
One of the most important things to ask the vendor is that how will the new intent data help fill the current data-sets in the company. Every company has their own data and most are trying to continuously strive to filter, cleanse that data and optimize it for best results. How much of a difference will the new data make to the existing data and ultimately to sales results is what you need to know when hiring a data vendor.
You also need to know what more benefits intent data can offer other than the basic behavioral intent signals that can be sought through it. You also need to know how this new data can help multiple functions across the organization.
How meaningful and relevant is the new data?
Often companies follow others and adopt new tools and technologies hoping to get the same results as others. However, one cannot forget that each business is different and that it needs experts to verify the need, budgets, and cross-functional requirements of data, current data capabilities and much more to finally arrive at a data-decision.
As a smart marketer, one must always take informed decisions. Engage with data vendors who will not only add value to your business, but will provide answers to all your questions and address the real challenges to verify if their data is really going to solve those problems.
Other than the above, you can also ask the vendor about the methods that they are going to use. Intent data is a specialized type of data that can be adopted for specific purposes. After you ask the above questions to the vendor, make sure you also know the methods they plan to deploy to make sure that the intent signals are accurate and relevant. Is this data going to be valuable in terms of relevance and is it significant at an account level or buyer person level etc.?
Intent data can be the answer to some of your challenges in lead generation and demand generation. It’s an important tool for b2b sales and marketing, so if you are going to invest in a vendor or outsource intent data services then be sure to ask questions and select a partner who knows his job well!
If you want to know more about how ITWorldsMedia is helping companies with its data solutions, please visit us at https://bit.ly/3x8KIzF